Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mr.Drew Gonzales of Cebu. A newbie in Free-range but followed all the steps correctly!

Quoted from Drews' Email:
"good evening doc,this is drew from cebu. kumusta po?attached are my pics of my first brooder.please see the attached files.the pictures are taken last sunday, hindi pa po kasama ung sawdust as bedding sa pics the brooder are 2 - 2x2m pen for a 150doc first batch.so 1 pen will cater the half of the batch (75doc) having 2m feeder divided in six lengths, 2 - 40 watts bulb, and 4 galloners in each pen.if you have any comments and suggestions, please let me know.best regards,drew"
Your doing very well from what i see drew, keep it up! Please provide me more updates and pics!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Updated pics of day old chicks NOW 14 DAYS OLD. 99% LIvability!

These pictures were taken June 25, 2009. If you scroll back to my post last June 11, these are the same chicks that was loaded by a succesful farmer in Rizal. After 14 days these are the results.
Genetic Quality plays a major role on the productivity of your Free-range chicken production. As seen on these pictures, the value of a good genetic stock can assure you of a better profitability. UNIFORM CHICKS, GOOD MUSCLE DEVELOPEMENT, HEALTHY AND ROBUST! Please also note that you jsut need plain water and good quality feeds, plus of course good management to get Good results

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Learn how to determine the age of the chick

Here are two pictures that shows the wings of a free-range chick. Which one is a day old?

The topmost picture shows the primary wing feathers of a newly hatched day old chick. As you can observe, the primary wing feathers have just started to grow.

While the picture below shows that the primary wing feathers have developed. This second picture is from a 7 day old chick.

Learning about the product helps the farmer to minimize mistakes and mis-declarations of distributors.

If you have paid for a good CLASS-A Quality day old chick then you must not get cheated by getting a 7 day old chick. Since the growth rate of these older products are already questionable and the quality of feeds and management given to them are already questionable.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Additional pictures of the successful 4 day old grow out of "THE FARMERS' CHOICE CHICKS!"

The basics of brooding are very important foundations for a good harvest of broilers, be it, free-range or white chicken broiler production. The poultry house must be well covered and insulated against the winds and cold climate. Since the chicks cannot produce their own heat to keep them warm, wind drafts are one of the major points to always consider. As you can see the poultry house is fully wrapped with laminated sack from top to bottom.
Also, artificial heat is used with the charcoal cans. These cans are cheap to acquire and charcoal is always available.
Rice hulls or "IPA" are very important insulators and good absorptive capacity for water and droppings. best to use as beddings also.
One good way to asses that the the chicks are in good condition is the way they are spread around and eating or drinking comfortably.
Best to check the chicks on the coldest time which is after midnight to asses if they lack any heat.
If your chicks have problems of wet droppings and it rears have manure pasted on them, when you receive the chicks from your suppler, then you might have problems with chick quality and questionable health/sanitary condition.
Always inform your supplier regarding this.
It is the responsibility of your genetic supplier to provide clear, honest and productive information for you to be successful.
Not just to sell you chicks then leave you to survive by yourself.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

FARMERS' CHOICE 4 day old chicks raised by a successful farmer. Sturdy and Good Quality chicks all year round!

Above are pictures of our 4 day olds in a brooding house. Important signs of good quality chicks from "FARMERS' CHOICE! "are the following:
1. The chicks are comfortable and well scattered around. Not huddling or staying together or they dont appear sickly.
2. The chicks are eating and very active.
3. The chicks are uniform in size and condition.
4. No pasty rear or diarrhea
5. No drooping wings
Please note the galloners/waterers are only filled with plain water.
If you have healthy chicks you dont need to provide any other synthetics or additives in the water or feeds, thus a cleaner meat produced and less cost in medications
The cans on the right side are charcoal heaters, very economical and easily available.
I will post more pictures later-on regarding production